Apple and Intel – What happened so far

Intel Core DuoI know, i basically just aggregating all the stuff already told a thousand times in weblogs all over the world. But i have an oppinion too (y’know?). So, on this years Macworld San Francisco Keynote Steve the Puppet-Master released the first wave of Intel-powered Macs on us. The iMac and the newly born MacBook Pro (yep, i hate the name too, and im still waiting for someone who doesnt). The iMac remains unchanged except for the processor of course, while the MacBook Pro is a pretty beefed up version of the 15″ Powerbook. It features a new power connector, a much brighter display, iSight builtin, yada yada yada. The iMac is available right now and the MacBook Pro will land sometime in February. Pretty cool, hu?

4x FasterYeah, i think so too, the switch to Intel is going amazingly fast (and so far: well). Of course one has to wait and see the applications perform that have not yet been rewritten (Apple-Lingo: Universalized). Anywho, his Steveness’s RDF (Reality Distortion Field) also reached me, and i have been looking at that sweet new iMac and drooling since the Keynote. I know what youre gonna say, and I will definately wait, but i have to get a desktop machine at some point, seeing as my poor little 12″ G4 Powerbook is only sitting on the desk and doing all the workload since its my only machine right now. If only Steve had introduced a new Mac Mini with an Intel Core Duo processor (3-4x faster, remember folks!), I probably would have ordered one on the spot.

UniversalEnough of that now, along with the keynote came so pretty crappy software (iWeb), a lot of Updates (10.4.4, iTunes, Quicktime) and a really good Intel-Apple spot (which was somewhat too self-confident. I mean, c’mon, if those dull little boxes hadnt been performing a lot of dull little task, where would we be today. Not every server needs to be cut out to be a Design-Award-Winning Metal Box with an eye-candy GUI if its just serving web pages). So, big who-cares. I dont think the rest of the Apple Product line will take long before they are transitioned, so im gonna stay put and see what the future (1st April, maybe?) brings.

Oh, and yeah, that banner above my blog isnt there by coincidence ;)

One More Thing … (’06 Edition)

Macworld San Francisco 2006

Bisher hab ich mir daraus im Vorfeld nicht viel gemacht, aber dieses Jahr sollten denk ich jedermanns Augen/RSS-Reader nach San Francisco ins Moscone Center gerichtet sein. Allein weil die Fachpresse tatsaechlich dabei ist sich selbst aufzufressen. Sind trotzdem alles nur [Macworld San Francisco 2006

Bisher hab ich mir daraus im Vorfeld nicht viel gemacht, aber dieses Jahr sollten denk ich jedermanns Augen/RSS-Reader nach San Francisco ins Moscone Center gerichtet sein. Allein weil die Fachpresse tatsaechlich dabei ist sich selbst aufzufressen. Sind trotzdem alles nur]( [Macworld San Francisco 2006

Bisher hab ich mir daraus im Vorfeld nicht viel gemacht, aber dieses Jahr sollten denk ich jedermanns Augen/RSS-Reader nach San Francisco ins Moscone Center gerichtet sein. Allein weil die Fachpresse tatsaechlich dabei ist sich selbst aufzufressen. Sind trotzdem alles nur [Macworld San Francisco 2006

Bisher hab ich mir daraus im Vorfeld nicht viel gemacht, aber dieses Jahr sollten denk ich jedermanns Augen/RSS-Reader nach San Francisco ins Moscone Center gerichtet sein. Allein weil die Fachpresse tatsaechlich dabei ist sich selbst aufzufressen. Sind trotzdem alles nur](]( Gerüchte! .

Das BCC in Moskau?

This is not moscowAls ich gestern Abend die Bourne Supremacy guckte, die zu grossen Teilen in Berlin und am Alexanderplatz spielt (wo zufaellig grade eine Demo im Gange ist die gegen die Studiengebuehren gerichtet ist ;) hab ich immer wieder mal geguckt was fuer Ecken mir da alles bekannt vorkamen. Klar, die Weltzeituhr, der Saturn, die U-Bahn, und ein paar anderer Flecken. Spaeter im Film dann reist Bourne nach Moskau (Russland, nicht Idaho) um dort einen russischen Killer umzulegen. Wie auch immer, hin und her, an einer Stelle rennt dieser Killer dann in die U-Bahn und man sieht obigen Filmausschnitt. Sehr schlampig, also man sieht ja sogar noch die deutschen Strassenschilder. Und das obwohl der Film ansonsten von den Schauplaetzen sehr schoen und akkurat gearbeitet war.

SubEthaEdit – Collaborative Editing

SubEthaEditToday i want to talk about one of those programs which make work just a little easier and even fun. SubEthaEdit is a texteditor for Mac OS X. Its Freeware for non-commercial users, otherwise it would have been out of my focus already. It features a lot of cool functionality, but truth be told, you can do most of that with vim too. Or other editors like TextMate. But there is a feature which makes SubEthaEdit stand out of the crowd, which is its Bonjour-powered, collaborative editing feature. Unfortunately i havent been able to test it for a year up until now when Flo got his powerbook and when started playing around with the program on this years Chaos Communication Congress.

Right now we have the program running over an ssh tunnel (two to be more precise), since were not in the same local network nor have a vpn set up (yet!). Even over the internet, with stuff like Skype running in the background (hey, were talking about real collaboration here, right), SubEthaEdit performs amazingly fast and makes working on a document with many users fun. Maybe i should point out that of course every user has his own cursor, otherwise you might just start a screen with vim instead and let people attach to it ;).

It has a lot of cool features which i dont want to go into detail here. I think its better this way, because the Mac OS users can check it out themselves, and the rest doesnt get too jealous ;). Click the thumbnail for a bigger picture of what SubEthaEdit looks like.

Oh, i almost forgot, any program who uses such a cool name (which also actually describes pretty well what its doing) automatically reserves a special spot in every fellow hitchhikers app folder ;)

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