Help­ful Thun­der­bird Add-Ons

I am usu­ally not that big a fan of add-ons, plu­g­ins etc., for the sim­ple rea­son that I re­ally hate hav­ing to col­lect them from dif­fer­ent web­sites only to get the pro­gram I want run­ning and hav­ing to re­peat all that every time i switch to an­other com­puter. But for some plu­g­ins the gain in pro­duc­tiv­ity out­weighs the extra ef­fort down­load­ing them. For Thun­der­bird the add-ons I can rec­om­mend are:

  • Enig­mail, which gives you gnupg in­te­gra­tion for Thun­der­bird
  • Ex­ter­nal Ed­i­tor, which al­lows you to com­pose mails with your fa­vorite ed­i­tor (think (g)vim).
  • Col­ored Diffs, which is a must-have if you read mail­inglists where patches are posted.

Colored Diffs

The last plu­gin is es­pe­cially cool, since it al­lows you to read patches much eas­ier than in the raw for­mat.

Guten Mor­gen, Win­terse­mes­ter 07/08

RWTH AachenIch schreib mal wieder was, also muss ein neues Se­mes­ter ange­fan­gen haben. Richtig ger­aten. Und so möchte ich die Leute in­formieren die sich nur über dieses Weblog über mich in­formieren ;). Ob­wohl das zurück­liegende Som­merse­mes­ter für mich sehr er­fol­gre­ich (und deswe­gen auch anstren­gend) war habe ich noch nicht mein Vordiplom. Das werde ich dann aber nächstes Se­mes­ter (also dieses) machen. In meiner Woh­nung in der sich seit April 07 wohne (also ziem­lich genau ein Se­mes­ter) hab ich mich in­zwis­chen ab­so­lut ein­gelebt und fühl mich pudel­wohl. Das Schöne ist dass man auch mal einen ganzen Tag in der Woh­nung sitzen kann ohne sich zu lang­weilen oder verrückt zu wer­den weil man immer nur auf die Wand starrt. Schliesslich ste­hen immer Leute an der Bushalte, auf dem Bahn­steig oder rang­ieren Züge die man beobachten kann wenn man ein­fach mal seine Gedanken schweifen lassen will.

Kurz: Ich freu mich auf das nächste Se­mes­ter. Ich will dies­mal allerd­ings nicht wie sonst an dieser Stelle mutmaßen dass ich mir in Zukunft mehr Zeit für Blo­geinträge nehme. En­tweder sind mir die Dinge nicht wichtig genug um sie hier zu bloggen (bzw an unzähli­gen an­deren Stellen im Web zu finden) oder aber so wichtig/persönlich dass sie eigentlich nicht hier rein gehören.

git 1.5.3 / git cheat sheet

git cheat sheetGit 1.5.3 was “re­leased” yes­ter­day by Junio. You can get it via your fa­vorite pack­age man­ager (it’s still key­worded on amd64/gen­too though) or via git of course. I’m not re­ally that much into the whole de­vel­op­ment process and also do not have a pro­ject to use git with (al­though that will change soon), but I am still busy try­ing to fig­ure it out and hav­ing fun with it. One new cool thing in 1.5.3 is git-stash which stashes away what you are cur­rently work­ing on to give you the abil­ity to change some­thing about the so-far-com­mit­ted work, and after that go back to what you were hack­ing at be­fore.

`git cheat sheetGit 1.5.3 was “re­leased” yes­ter­day by Junio. You can get it via your fa­vorite pack­age man­ager (it’s still key­worded on amd64/gen­too though) or via git of course. I’m not re­ally that much into the whole de­vel­op­ment process and also do not have a pro­ject to use git with (al­though that will change soon), but I am still busy try­ing to fig­ure it out and hav­ing fun with it. One new cool thing in 1.5.3 is git-stash which stashes away what you are cur­rently work­ing on to give you the abil­ity to change some­thing about the so-far-com­mit­ted work, and after that go back to what you were hack­ing at be­fore.


Also some­one on the git-ml cre­ated a nifty-look­ing cheat-sheet for git (those cheat-sheets seem to be all the hype nowa­days) which you can down­load by click­ing the image in this post. It is re­ally help­ful for be­gin­ners, not just only to ref­er­ence to about the com­mands but also to get an un­der­stand­ing of the work­flow.

tig, a text-mode in­ter­face to git

tigLike git? Good. Like the UI of slrn/mutt? Even bet­ter. Then you should try out tig which is a text-mode in­ter­face to git (writ­ten in C). Users of slrn should feel right at home, every­one else should not have a hard time using it. tig en­ables you to view the repos­i­tory his­tory in a va­ri­ety of ways (diff-view, log-view, main-view). The cool thing (and the rea­son it ex­tends the al­ready good git log) is that you can, for ex­am­ple, view the his­tory as one-line-per-com­mit with au­thor and com­mit mes­sage, and upon press­ing enter view the de­tails (i.e. the log and diff of this com­mit) just like view­ing posts in news­groups. You can also pipe git-log out­put to tig which will then rec­og­nize and col­orize the syn­tax of git-log out­put. Just clone the repos­i­tory (using git of course ;), con­fig­ure, make and in­stall the sin­gle bi­nary and youre good to go. When in the pro­gram hit­ting ‘h’ brings up a fa­mil­iar help-screen which should pretty much ex­plain every­thing you need to know.

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