Aachen Open 2010

This is just a reminder that Aachen Open, a German speedcubing competition, will take place again next year. More precisely on January 16/17, 2010. What’s even better is the huge number of registered participants and the new venue for the competition. Since the last place became quite crowded (and began to smell after about 2 hours) the management secured a larger spot in RWTHs Computer-Science building (Aula II, Ahornstraße 55). The downside for visitors is the distance to downtown Aachen, but on the bright side we’ll be equipped with internet throughout the competition.

Rest assured, I’ll be there, but probably less cubing and more photographing. So be sure to come by, even if just to get a glimpse of hardcore-nerds in a different area than your own profession. In case you missed the last Aachen Open, be sure to check out last years website for impressions.