Man gönnt sich ja sonst nichts [TM]Since I’ve been more active again on flickr lately I was interested if any photos of mine have been used in the web. I release my photos under the Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons License. This means that people can take my photos, alter them, use them (even commercially) as long as they refer to me and use the same license. I guess some people just don’t care about the license of their photos while others don’t think that anyone would like to use theirs, but I did some research (i.e. googling) and turned up quite a few web pages which are in no way affiliated with me (I didn’t know them before or their authors) but still use my images. How they found those? Not sure, but I guess using a combination of “search-for-cced-images” and the appropriate tags. Here is the list:

Update: Aug 24, 2011

Updates until Feb 6, 2011

Some of these sites are private bloggers who look for a picture to go with their posts. Others however are professional websites. This is a way of showing off I guess, but it also shows that people do care about free photos. Now, there might be more websites with my pictures which I haven’t found, maybe not everyone links back to my photostream. If you do use my photos I’d really appreciate a flickr-comment, it makes me happy to see my motives on other websites ;). (Someone even contacted me once about using one of my photographs in a book about students, but for some reason didn’t do so after all.)

This list is also a reminder for me, and I might make it into a permanent page at some point.