" vim:nospell: " .vimrc by Johannes Gilger let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1 call pathogen#infect() filetype plugin on " plugins based on filetype syntax on filetype on if $TERM == "xterm" || $TERM == "rxvt" || $TERM == "xterm-256color" || $TERM == "rxvt-unicode" || &term =~ "builtin_gui" || $TERM == "dumb" set t_Co=256 colorscheme calmar256-dark else colorscheme heipei endif set encoding& " terminal charset: follows current locale set termencoding= "set fileencodings= " charset auto-sensing: disabled set fileencoding& " auto-sensed charset of current buffer set grepprg=grep\ -nH\ $* set ignorecase " searching, ignore case of search set smartcase " be smart about it ;) set scrolloff=5 " scrolling if cursor close to the screen edge set scrolljump=-50 " scrolling if cursor close to the screen edge set incsearch " incremental search set makeprg=make " what to do with :make set ruler " Show the cursor position all the time set nu " linenumbers set nuw=3 " linenumber-width set bs=2 " Allow backspacing over everything in insert mode set ai " Always set auto-indenting on set history=50 " keep 50 lines of command history set viminfo=\'100,\"500,:100" " read/write a .viminfo file -- limit regs to 500 lines set nocompatible " don't behave like vi "set cindent " enable automatic indention "set smartindent " another type of indentation set showmatch " show matching parens/brackets "set comments=sl:/*,mb:**,elx:*/ " enable automagic multi-line comments "set formatoptions=tcoqw " automatic formating options set hlsearch " highligh last used search pattern set hidden " hidden buffers "set wildmode=longest:full set wildmenu set tags=./tags,./TAGS,tags,TAGS,./../tags,./../TAGS,./../../tags,./../../TAGS set modeline set modelines=5 set foldenable " we do want folding set foldmethod=marker " standard: folding by {{{,}}} markers set swapsync= set listchars=tab:>-,trail:_ " how to show tabs, trailing spaces when list is on "set statusline=%<%F%<%<%h%m%<%{GitBranchInfoString()}%r%=line=%03l,col=%02c%V,totlin=%L%\%=%-30(,BfNm=%n%Y%)\%P\* " cool statusline set laststatus=2 " display the status line, not just in split-mode set guioptions-=Tr " dont display scrollbars when using the GUI "set cursorline " cursorline, high cpu load! set wildignore=*.swp,*.bak,*.pyc,*.class,*.pdf,*.aux,*.out set title " set title of terminal set nobackup " don't keep a backup file let g:git_branch_status_text=" " let g:git_branch_status_head_current=1 let g:git_branch_status_nogit="" let g:vim_json_syntax_conceal = 0 if has("autocmd") autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead COMMIT_EDITMSG set filetype=gitcommit " for viewing git diffs autocmd QuickFixCmdPost * copen " open quickfix-window when using :make or :grep autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.coffee set filetype=coffee et sw=2 ts=2 autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.ejs set filetype=html et sw=2 ts=2 autocmd FileType python set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.py set filetype=python et sw=4 ts=4 autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.css,*.html set ts=4 sw=4 et " html css autocmd FileType mail set autoindent et nohlsearch endif if filereadable(".vimrc-local") source .vimrc-local endif noremap noremap nmap :e# noremap "noremap noremap noremap noremap noremap b noremap f noremap d noremap vmap Q gq nmap Q gqap nmap ,m :!make " :makeprg wird fuer jeden Filetype noch festgelegt nmap ,o ok " neue Zeile an der Stelle, oder darueber nmap ,O Oj nmap ,r i " Zeilenumbruch nmap ,h :nohlsearch nmap ,H :set hlsearch nmap ,a :diffget 1 nmap ,d :diffget 3 nmap ,p :let &paste = !&paste:echo "Mode: paste=".&paste nmap ,n :NERDTreeToggle imap IMAP_DeleteAndJumpForward map Q gq " Don't use Ex mode, use Q for formatting if has("autocmd") " needed for viminfo under mac os x autocmd BufReadPost * \ if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | \ exe "normal g`\"" | \ endif endif if has("spell") set spelllang=en " language for spell-checking nmap ,s :set spell!:echo "Spell Check: " . strpart("OffOn", 3 * &spell, 3) " toggle spell-checking with F6 endif " for attaching files to mail in mutt command! -nargs=1 -complete=file AttachFile exe "normal magg}-" | call append(line('.'), 'Attach: ') | normal `a let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd="/usr/bin/exuberant-ctags" " set program used for taglist-creation let &errorformat="%f:%l: %t%*[^:]:%m," . &errorformat " Show syntax highlighting groups for word under cursor nmap :call SynStack() function! SynStack() if !exists("*synstack") return endif echo map(synstack(line('.'), col('.')), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")') endfunc